Kwikprint we buy used machines
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We buy used Kwik Print Machines.
AFM Engineering, Inc.Acromark Hot StampFranklin ManufacturingKensol Hot StampKensol-FranklinVendor List
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Kwikprint Hot Stamp> We buy used Kwik Print Machines.
We buy used Kwik Print machine.
If you want to sell your Kwik Print machine.
We Buy Used Hot Stamping Machines
Here is how it works
1. Email us pictures of the machine for sale.
Four pictures, one of each side of the machine.
Please make sure that the complete machine is shown in each picture.
EMail to We prefer pictures attached to email.
2. We will make you an offer to purchase your machine.
Our offer normally includes the following terms:
1. You package the machine ready for shipment.
Click Here for Packaging Instructions
2. We arrange a truck to pick up the machine.
3. You load the machine on the truck.
3. Once you have completed packaging the machine email us:
Four pictures of the machine ready to ship, one from each
side of the packaged machine.
4. When we have approved the packaging
You need to send us a invoice to
We will arrange payment.
We can pay with any of the following:
1.Company Check Mailed to you.
3.Wire Transfer.
5. When you received payment let us know or phone 714-547-0194
We will arrange to have the machine picked up.
We will send you a bill of lading.
6. When the truck shows up you will put the machine on the truck. You are done!
Notes: Payments of over $600.00 to an individual will require AFM to send you
a 1099.  To process a payment we will need your social security number.
Unofficial Site produced and maintained by AFM Engineering Inc. Santa Ana CA